Kitchen Production Load Balancing.
What are the benefits?

What is Kitchen Production Load Balancing?

When production volumes exceed the capacity of a single production line in a kitchen, operators will need to duplicate some or all of the production across multiple preparation areas. Sometimes this can be achieved by multiple production operators reading from the same kitchen screen and then raising their voices above all the noise of the kitchen to coordinate who is working which ticket.

Load balancing improves that communication. Operators can have  tickets spread across multiple screens to balance the production between different production lines. They can then concentrate on their orders which can be completed independently, enhancing the efficiency of the operation.

Features of load balancing include:

• Being able to turn off a production line or switch one on, so that load balancing can be utilised at busy times only.
• Moving tickets between screens if an operator gets behind and needs to off load some of the work to another operator in real time.
• Changing the operational layout at various times of day to optimise the available kitchen resources.

How can it benefit you?

Coping with high demand periods - Using load balancing during lunch and dinner for example, means other cook and preparation areas of the kitchen can be opened up to cope with a high volume of orders, especially those that come through sales channels such as delivery partners.

Orders can be automatically routed to the newly opened areas and staff resources directed to assist, meaning that production and preparation time is optimised, and the customer receives their order within the expected time.

Utilises space - Some kitchen designs may not have the capacity to cope with real demand and without other options that demand goes un-serviced and revenue opportunities are missed.

If there is space elsewhere in the building, the option to build a second production line can be considered, extending the capacity for the peak periods. For environments where customers are used to seeing their orders made in real time, delivery and other remote customer orders can be directed to the secondary kitchen.

Creates Flexibility for Central Kitchens & Multi Brand Kitchens - When deploying central kitchens or kitchens that service multiple brands this capacity can vary greatly and operators will need to have the flexibility to manage peak time as well as advanced food preparation. Load balancing provides the flexibility needed to dynamically manage the kitchen.

Easy to Manage Unexpected Demand - The weather, sporting events, successful advertising campaigns and other factors can contribute to unexpected peak demand. Additional areas can be opened quickly to cope with this demand giving the restaurant the agility and flexibility to maximise sales and customer loyalty.

If you want to transform the operations of your restaurant kitchens, talk to us today.

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